Thursday 29 January 2015

Fifth Experience

Fifth Month -

You have now completed almost half of your pregnancy period. Now only four more months are remaining. You may be done with your next ultrasound.The baby's heartbeats can now be heard more clearly with the help of stethoscope. His little kicks can become more frequent. It's like someone is tickling your tummy. The baby also grows in height now. His genital organs get developed. The weight of the baby also increases.

You must take more time for resting now. It can help you feel more fresh. If it is a monsoon season, you may feel that the baby responds to thundering. Try to keep pillow next to your tummy if there is thundering. Being alone the whole day during pregnancy is not good. Try to be in touch with your friends. If you find one or two friends who are also pregnant then its good for you as you can share your experiences with them. Sharing experiences can help reduce the anxiety of delivery process.
Try to read books which are informative and which can help lessen the anxiety of delivery.You must now eat food which is healthy and nutritious. Try to increase the intake of fluids. Drinking plenty of water helps to avoid constipation. Leafy vegetables like spinach also help in avoiding constipation. Try to avoid spicy food as much as possible as it can increase acidity. Milk intake should also be increased as it helps in increasing the amount of calcium in your body.

Monday 19 January 2015

Fourth Experience

Fourth Month - 

Days pass by and your weight increases. Clothes may become tighter. Try to avoid wearing tight clothes.You may need some shopping. Maternal clothes are easily available these days. Shopping also refreshes your mind. Indeed pregnancy is a period when you can pamper yourself. 

The most wonderful feeling in this period is to feel the baby moving inside you when you touch your stomach. This feeling may be felt when you are relaxing or moving. The baby can now feel your touch and listen to sounds. He may be able to see light.Try to talk with your baby as much as possible. Listen to good music. It is said that the song which you listen more during pregnancy can become the lullaby after the baby is born. Going to classes which teach various meditation practices can help your mind and body relax. You may be done with blood tests which check if you and your baby don't have any diseases like thyroid.These tests help you to ensure that you and your baby are safe. If not then some medication can be started if need arises. 

This is the time when you can go for a holiday with your partner. It can be a short distance trip. Visiting beautiful places and being with nature is a wonderful experience. Seeing the beautiful mountains and the sun rising behind them is indeed a beautiful sight. Nature is a gift from God which helps you to forget everything for a moment. 

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Third Experience

Pregnancy period can be divided into three parts or trimesters. The first trimester is from the 1st month till the 3rd month. The second is from the 4th till the 6th month and the third is from the 7th till the 9th month.

Third Month -

Pregnancy is of 40 weeks. In this 40 week period every week & month brings some change in you. As the baby grows you may start noticing changes inside you like your hair, finger nails, toe nails growing faster. Your face may start getting oily or you may notice some acne on it. Your skin may start glowing or it may turn darker. These changes may not be easy for you to adapt but as the time passes by you get used to it. Your eyes,teeth also need to be taken care of. You may get spectacles if you hadn't them before. They may last until your delivery or may last longer after that. Eyes get affected during pregnancy if you have long hours of work in front of your computer screen. Try to take short breaks during your work to avoid getting your eyes affected.

The little one inside you has now developed arms, legs and other body parts. Your doctor can now hear little hearbeats. You may be done with your next sonography & can see new pictures of your baby. Sonography is indeed a good way through which you can feel more closer to your baby. Also you can be rest assured that your baby is healthy and safe. You may be suggested more intake of calcium during this period by your doctor. 

A good habit which can be practiced during this period is to read good books, Books can be pregnancy related, devotional, comedy and so on. It all depends on your likes & dislikes. Reading good books brings positive energy inside you. You become more aware of things which you can practice during & after pregnancy. Books can become your best friend during this period. You may be able to get answers of your questions which raise in your mind. Your mind becomes very sensitive during pregnancy. Little things can make you sad or happy. One must try to keep the mind as cheerful as possible as your mind affects the child inside you. Not only books but also meditation can help a lot in keeping your mind balanced. You can practice meditation in the morning, or evening or before sleeping.

 Keeping the mind cool becomes necessary during pregnancy. An effort to do so can help a lot in the upcoming period of pregnancy.

Friday 2 January 2015

Second Experience

As the days pass by the little one inside you grows. This growth brings many changes inside you and the baby. The little one now starts making place for himself inside your body and most importantly in your mind.

Second Month -

These days you may become more cautious while doing things like you may stop lifting heavy things, trying to avoid stairs as far as possible, stop eating particular foodstuff like papaya which are not good to be eaten during pregnancy, stop bending and many more things. You try everything which makes you feel that the child is safe inside you. It is a great feeling that you have a wonderful gift from God attached inside you which you can feel every moment.

The first sonography may be done during the first month or in the end of it. You and your dear ones can see the pictures of the bundle of joy. Though the picture may not be clear but you may try to look through it again and again to identify every part of it. The joy of sharing the picture with your dear ones is just amazing. You can't stop yourself from learning every bit of the sonography details. This is because you start caring more and more about your baby.

You may learn about the baby's weight, height, and so on in the sonography reports. It is good to become cautious about your weight now as your weight is growing or decreasing a bit at this time. Decreasing may or may not happen. You may be given instructions by your doctor about how  to increase your weight. Proper amount of sleep & protein foodstuff may help in increasing your weight.

Pregnancy is a period where you can pamper yourself & get pampered by your dear ones. This is the best time you can enjoy to the fullest.